Master Automation & Robotics

The M.Sc. Automation & Robotics Program is interdisciplinary and convers all relevant areas which contribute to this field. This is accomplished by valuable contributions of many faculties, namely the Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (EIT), Maschinenbau (ME), Informatik (CS), Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen (BCI), Mathematik (Math). As a surplus, renowned research institutes as the Institut für Roboterforschung (IRF) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Logistics (IML) contribute to the educational offers in the program.
Module book
Module book Master Automation & Robotics (2023)
Examination Regulations / MPO
Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program (Master of Science) in Automation and Robotics (09/2020)
Translation of the Examination Regulations
Only the German version of the examination regulations is legally binding. English versions are uploaded for courtesy.
Course Plan and Times
Active Curriculum Master AR / Dates, times and fees
Akkreditierungsurkunde Master AR (2020)
RALF BURDA - Operative Koordination Communication Networks Institute Office: C1-04-102, Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, D-44227 Dortmund - For further and personalized information please send an e-mail.
Welcome to Fachschaft of Automation and Robotics
Fachschaft AR
By students, for students – supporting the journey of every MSc. Automation and Robotics student at TU Dortmund
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